Story Related Achievements.

Kill 100 Galactoil Employees (over any number of playthroughs)
You’re Fired!
Complete the Game
You’re Pretty Good At This
Complete The Fall Of The House Of♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥without any Mutagen Upgrades
You Absolute Madman
Complete The Fall Of The House Of♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥without killing a single enemy
Blood Money
Complete I Purge You To Reconsider
Leave No Survivors
Kill both Barry and Paul in I Purge You To Reconsider
Say Hello To Your Little Friend
Damage Paul with his own Mines
Executive Dinner
Complete The Fast And The Luxurious
Cutting The Line
Kill all the Executives in The Fast And The Luxurious
Kill a unit through a wall with Ground Pound
Refund Improbe-able
Complete Mission : Improbe-able
Mother Gear Swarmer; Claws of the Matriarch
Free The Matriarch in Mission : Improbe-able without losing a grunt
Destroy the Blood Samples in Mission : Improbe-able
Hook, Line and Sinker
Lure an enemy onto a Trap
Breaking and Entering
Complete Dead End Job
Aced It!
Complete Dead End Job without losing any units
Galactoil Drift
Complete Dead End Job in 21 turns or fewer
Suicide Squad
Kill another enemy with the Banshee Death Explosion
Breaker of Chains
Release the Rogue Motivatio in Dead End Job
A Spanner In The Works
Complete It’s My Birthday And I’ll Die If I Want To
Shave The Gorilla
Kill the Overseer in It’s My Birthday And I’ll Die If I Want To
Gettin’ Started
Complete Serial Drillers From Outer Space
The Fast & The Furious
Complete Serial Drillers From Outer Space in 11 turns or fewer
Speed Runner
Complete a mission 10 turns below the target par time
Consume 500 Biomass (over any number of playthroughs)
Marathon Man
Move 18 tiles with a single unit in 1 turn
Group Hug!
Successfully pull off a Group Attack
Speed Bump
Lure an Enemy into the path of Dickinham’s mech in Mission 07
Now You’re Just Showing Off
Deal 200+ DMG with one group attack to a single unit
Efficient Killer
Kill 5 enemies with one group attack
Secret Achievements.

No one tells Carlos what to do (Secret)
On level 2 when a supervisor near security room tells you to come on in, ignore him and go another direction.
Love Hurts
‘As Designed’ (Secret)
On level 6 you need to kill a civilian near the teddy bear.
Think You’re A Big Shot Do Ya?
Never question John’s sense of duty (Secret)
On level 2 when guard warns you not to take another step towards the door, instead of turning back, just ignore him and step forward.
Mined Games
That’ll fool ’em (Secret)
I Don’t Know What I Expected
One day this will work (Secret)
That’s Rich
You get what you pay for (Secret)
I Commend Your Enthusiasm But…
… You really didn’t achieve much (Secret)
Choose Matriarch and select “Assimilate” to create drone from civilian, than select “Prime” and use it on a drone.
I Don’t Know What I Expected
Solution: In the last mission you just simply have to deal damage to the giant mech roaming the around the office. You won’t actually do any damage to it, but you will get the achievement.