If you are collecting bottlecaps in The Wonderful 101: Remastered, this guide will help get all the Bottlecaps, let’s check it out.
Story and Difficulty
This Bottlecaps are awared for beating all the Operations on any difficulty.
Normal difficulty
Normal difficulty is unlocked from the start.
Hard difficulty
To unlock Hard difficulty you have to beat every operation on Normal.
On Hard difficulty you start encountering enemies from later Operations in the earlier Stages of the game.
101% Hard difficulty
To unlock 101% Hard difficulty you have to beat every Operation on Hard.
This difficulty changes the game quiet a bit to make it more difficult. Most notably the time doesn’t slow down any more when you use your Liner to draw morphs and every time you cancel your morph to run or dodge an attack you lose one battery when enabling it again.
Result Screen:
At the end of every Operation all of your single mission results will count together to get a single rating. Keep in mind if you die or use items in the operations the Result Rank will be lowered.
this is possible to do on Very Easy too
this is possible to do on Very Easy too
You are first introduced to Kahkoo-regah in Operation 1A. Those are hidden challenge missions, to enter them you have to draw a circle around the mystical sign on the ground.
Some of them appear right on your way, while other ones can be extremely well hidden.
They only appear on Normal, Hard and 101% Hard difficulty and not on Easy or Very Easy. Each of the difficulty has it’s own challenge for example the one in 1A on Normal is a different challenge than 1A on Hard.
1B: After you beat Mission 4 you have to jump down the building again and backtrack where you started after the bossfight.
2B: After you beat Mission 3 jump to the next platform where the Toilet is, to the left is a sign where you have to wonder liner up to make a ladder appear to reach the hidden platform above it.
3B: Inside the plane after Mission 5 you find enemies inside without a mission starting. Beat all of the spawning enemies there to make it appear.
4B: After you beat Mission 2 don’t open the claw door infront of you, instead move down to the very bottom of the arena, you can jump down there to find a hidden platform underneath. Enter the pipe and rescue all civillians, you have to hug the wall and not exit the water wall to find all of them. After that it spawns near the start of the level.
5B: Where you find the statue to add to you team you have to light all the pillars with fire, than the portal will appear.
6B: Where you are left off after the bossfight you find 4 torches you have to light them to spawn the portal. You find fire abit later in the stage and you have to backtrack with it.
8B: After the first mission and dropped down the hole, you have to climb up the wall all the way to the top instead of to right where the game wants you to go.
2: At the end of the stage after mission 5 trace the line on the bottom left of the platfrom with your wonder liner to make the portal appear.
With this Checklist you will get the following Bottlecaps
Kahkoo-regahs count as secret missions too, you need them as well.
Wonderful Figures are found at hidden places and given as rewards for beating Kahkoo-regahs
After you obtain the hammer, you can use it to hit suspicious places to find hidden underground items, if you purchase the Wonder Radar in the shop, you can hear a beeping sound where you need to use the hammer.
Team Members
All about recruiting and leveling your team.
All of the other Bottlecaps that are hard to group together.
Miscellaneous 2
1: After Mission 4 jump back and down the broken bridge, you need it to get back up again.
2: Do the same after Mission 12, jump down the bridge and use the pipe to get back up.
3: Once more after mission 13, jump down the broken bridge.
4A 1: After mission 6 get into the right pipe before progess in the left one.
4A 2: After mission 9 go into right and left pipe before progress into the middle one.
4B 3: After mission 2 don’t open the claw door, instead go to the bottom of the arena, you can jump down there finding a hidden platform with the last pipe to use.