This guide is about how to fix stuttering and ameliorate or fix performance issues while playing Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream
No, really, this will fix 90% of issues with performance! What does this have to do with performance?
ONLY GUST AND KOEI TECMO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ KNOW! For some inexplicable reason both Sophie 2 and Ryza 2 might begin stutteting all over the place if they dont detect a controller. Also, they wont detect it on the fly. Exit, plug it in/pair it, go back in, problem might be fixed. The game might be stuck scanning for a controller in the background. Only god knows.
ONLY GUST AND KOEI TECMO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ KNOW! For some inexplicable reason both Sophie 2 and Ryza 2 might begin stutteting all over the place if they dont detect a controller. Also, they wont detect it on the fly. Exit, plug it in/pair it, go back in, problem might be fixed. The game might be stuck scanning for a controller in the background. Only god knows.
In-game settings
- Always set the game to FULLSCREEN
- Motion blur makes the camera jerky, I recommend turning it off.
- TAA doesnt work. It’s better to turn AA off entirely and choose a higher resolution than your monitor’s if your pc can handle it. Keep in mind 4k is absurdly demanding on gust’s engine so even in a pretty good pc 1440p might be the sweetspot.
Graphics Driver Settings
Enter your driver’s control panel and:
- Set to maximum performance in energy consumption
- Enable Vsync
- Set framelimiter to 60 overriding the games broken one.
If your pc cannot handle 60 fps, set vsync to half and limit fps to 30.
That’s all we are sharing today in Atelier Sophie 2 How to Fix Stuttering, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author ffrasisti [ARG]
lol thanks the controller works