if you are a new player of Into The Haze, this guide provides some basics tips and tricks that will help you having a better start, let’s check it out.
– You are in a time constraint, explore and note where everything is and then load a save to quickly collect each item. You DO NOT have time to wander about.
My observation is: you run out of food so fast, you basicly have only two ingame days per floor. You should load a save and try again if it took you more.
– You cannot drop item or take them back from inventories. If you put a dirty water in the tank, you have to filter it there.
– Doors are just a hindrance.
– You can sneak past them, sounds attract them.
– There are no infinite resources, water is stagnant leftovers in the toilet basin or sinks. Once it is taken it is gone. Same with everything else.
– A food item does not fill you. Nope, they all help a little.
– To sleep you need to have the fire going
– Plants need two water bottles to grow
– Sawblade is fixed on the wooden workbench and the crowbar on the metal one
– This is not a FPS. At least with the nailgun, you need to be super lucky to take a Z down. I managed to do it with 8 shots on my day 3, but never managed to take another down again.
Unlock the workbenches the earliest you can, the water tank is not a source of water, it is a tank to filter water. You need the filter for this and the filter lasts two bottles.
– You get 5% food, water and energy from strawberries and you get 3 strawberries per seed, which takes 1.75 water bottles to grow