Progression achievements
Finish the sewersTurrets and sand
Complete the desert levelRiding hard
Finish the bike section
It’s moist here
Complete the water plant level
Out of the kitchen
Complete the volcano level
Getting chilly
Complete the ice level
Go green
Complete the forest level
Blasting out
Complete the secret base level
Can’t miss any of these achievements! Just finish the game and you’ve got em.
Challenge achievements
Finish any level without taking any damage.Easier than it sounds. The simplest place to do this is the intro sewer level. Fight the boss a couple times and make sure you understand each of his patterns, then play through the whole level taking care to avoid hits. Watch out for the second drop in the sewers, the enemy there loves to shoot you right as you land.If you’re having trouble doing this on a first playthrough, try again once you’ve unlocked Rider.
Cool guys don’t look back at explosions
Defeat any of the five starting robots bosses with the special combo.
Again, do this on the sewer level. The boss does the move that leaves him open to the combo fairly often. Get him to five or less health, wait until he does the move, then go for it.
My paws are (not) on fire!
Escape the lava flood without taking damage!
This will take a few tries. The fireball patterns won’t change, so let yourself get the hang of it. The biggest danger is the enemies near the end of the section. Try to jump over the two knife guys, and hit the blob enemies as soon as they break their glass. Again, this is easier with Rider.
Go heckin’ fast while sliding on dangerous ice!
You can easily get this at the start of the cryolab. Get any enemies out of the way and then get your speed up on the ice. Jumping maintains speed.
Electric grape
Complete the water plant without touching any of the electrified water pools
Simple outside of a few places with moving platforms. At the segment where you can go up or right, just go right. There’s just health up there, and it’s really easy to miss the moving platforms on your way back down.
Bounce 147 times on the Heavy enemy
The Heavy enemies (these are the big guys with shields) won’t hurt you, just bump you back. Find one and start bouncing!
Boop the snoot!
Like it says! Just give that snoot a boop. Obvious, right? Ok, ok. Use your mouse and click on the dog’s nose.
Collection achievements
Find a floppy disk… But what is it for?Sniffin’ dog
Find all four floppy drivesOh, hi?
Find someone
Find all 9 people inside the levels.
The four floppy disks are hidden in each of the four main levels. The nine NPC are scattered through all but the first and last levels.
If you want to know which levels to check, but not exactly where things are, here you go:
Desert base: 2 NPCs, 1 Floppy
Water plant: 1 NPC, 1 Floppy
Volcano: 1 NPC, 1 Floppy
Cryolab: 2 NPCs, 1 Floppy
City/Forest: 2 NPCs, 1 in each segment
Secret base: 1 NPC
Desert base:
Partway through the desert base, you beat a Heavy enemy and hop on a bike. A third of the way through the bike course, you’ll enter another building:
Get up from here onto the girder, and you’ll find the disk:
Once you’re off the bike, you’ll enter another building, pass several cannons, and come up next to these crates:
Slide under the crates to the left:
From here, you’ll continue through the building, drop down, pass a heart, and end up near these crates:
Slide under these crates as well and drop down:
Water plant:
Midway through the stage, after climbing a set of moving platforms:
Slide under the wall to the left:
Keep going through the level, and you can’t miss the disk:
Shortly after beating the first Heavy enemy of the level, and passing a few blob enemies:
Slide under the wall to the right:
A bit further on, the path will split:
It doesn’t matter which way you go as long as you don’t take the highest path across the crumbling platforms. You’ll eventually end up here:
Go to the left past the flamethrower guard:
There’s a hole in the wall, so just hop down and hold left:
And you’ll find the disk:
Midway through the level, after a long segment where you’re dropping down past a bunch of freeze-gas-sprayer-thingies, you’ll end up here:
Slide under the wall to the left:
Keep going through the level, you’ll make a short climb past another few freeze-gas-sprayer-thingies, and then just a little further on:
Slide under the wall to the right, and you’ll find the disk:
You’ll have to go back inside, but after more icy platforming, you’ll get outside the building again, finding yourself here:
Slide under the wall to the left and drop down:
The city’s under attack, buildings are crumbling. You’ll go through some damaged buildings, and in the second one you’ll be behind some shattered windows:
You’re supposed to drop down, but instead you can double jump up and around to the next floor up. Keep following that corridor:
Much later, in the forest, you’ll have just gone past a long platforming section with moving platforms and eyes shooting at you. Right after that segment, you’ll hit a section with crumbling platforms:
You’ll pass a few eyes that fire at you as you go, until you reach this center point:
There are moving platforms up there! Get on one and start climbing:
Once you reach the top, fall into the thorns:
And then slide through the gap to the left and drop down:
Secret base:
The home stretch. Almost there! A decent way into the level, you’ll finish a segment where you hop between moving platforms while lasers try to zap you:
Keep going left, until you get to this section where a beam shoots above you:
The main path is down, but you can beat the beam and go up and left instead:
And you’re done, that’s all four disks and all nine NPCs!
Ending achievements
Bones bad endingTrue ending
Bones good endingTo the rescue!
Rescue Rider
Alternate reality
Rider bad ending
Rider good ending
Beating the game with the four floppy disks gets you the good ending, any less than four and you get the bad ending. Rescue Rider by getting the good ending with Bones.
That’s all we are sharing today in Dogurai 100% Achievement Guide, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Cyan