Cyber Crush 2069 players, in this guide I’ll show you how I got all the achievements and give you some additional tips, like how to get better at dates.
To start
I’ll be referring to “money” and “Ehter”. Just to clarify, left is money, right is Ehter.
Okay, onto the achievements.
The Girls
This achievement pops up as soon as you start a new game.
Visit Sakura when she’s on 4 or more hearts in the afternoon/ evening and have a successful date. Rosamund: Unlock Rosamund
Go to the city map and select Rosamund’s icon and talk to her until the “dating menu” appears.
Nurse’s Love: Finish final night date with Rosamund
Visit Rosamund when she’s on 4 or more hearts in the afternoon/ evening and have a successful date.
Simone7: Unlock Simone7
Go to the city map and select Simone7’s icon and talk to her until the “dating menu” appears.
Robot’s Love: Finish final night date with Simone7
Visit Simone7 when she’s on 4 or more hearts in the afternoon/ evening and have a successful date.
Lupe: Unlock Lupe
Go to the city map and select Lupe’s icon and talk to her until the “dating menu” appears.
Gangster’s Love: Finish final night date with Lupe
Visit Lupe when she’s on 4 or more hearts in the afternoon/ evening and have a successful date.
Go to the city map and select Himeko’s icon and talk to her until the “dating menu” appears.
Shop Owner’s Love: Finish final night date with Himeko
Visit Himeko when she’s on 4 or more hearts in the afternoon/ evening and have a successful date.
Basic Achievements
You get this achievement automatically after reading through some dialogue at the beginning.
Finish your first date. You can’t fail the tutorial date, so, yeah. Newbie: Successfully finish 10 dates
Self explanatory.
Confident Man: Successfully finish 25 dates
Self explanatory.
High Time: Finish a final night date
Visit a girl with 4 or more hearts in the afternoon/ evening and have a successful date. Congrats, big boy.
Rich Man: Give gifts to any girls 100 times
You get money from dates. You can only give girls gifts they like, if the item has a star next to it, she likes it. See example below.
Night City Explorer: Visit every location
Self explanatory. I just played the game for a little and got this achievement fairly easy.
Cyber Expert: Use Cyber Tools 50 times
Cyber Tools are the gifts you can give a girl during a date. If you use them frequently, this achievement will pop after some time.
Crafting Master: Craft every Cyber Tool
To do this, you need to do commissions in your clinic to gain the right materials and craft all the items.
Let loose have fun: Get a girl drunk and date with her
Self explanatory. Give a girl a few drinks and date her.
Joyful date: Accumulate 40 joy in one date
Pretty sure that joy = energy
So collect 40 energy in one date.
Looser: Match 7 tokens without creating a super token
Do this before High Skill
For this you need the lowest possible luck. Match 7 tokens in a T shape (like High Skill) and hope it doesn’t create a super token.
Lucky Man: Get a super token with a 3 token match
Upgrade your luck and this should happen at some point in a date.
High Skill: Create a super token by 7 tokens matched
To do this, you need to match 7 tokens in a T shape. Make sure your luck is maxed out so a super token appears.
Flirtation expert: Reach 5 hearts with every girl
Self explanatory. Date all girls successfully until you reach 5 hearts.
Trait Master: Max all traits
Earn Ehters to max out all your traits.
Famous Ripper Doc: Take 30 Commission Orders
Take commissions in your shop. Complete the maximum amount of 6 orders per day and you will be done in 5 days.
Drinkers: Get every girl drunk at least one time
Drunk in this case means: fill up a girl’s entire “alcohol bar” at least once
To do this, you need 12 intoxication points, for example 3 drinks with a value of 4 intoxication
Challenging Achievements
Easiest with maxed out traits and on easy/ normal mode. Match as many move tokens as you can.
This isn’t very hard but it takes quite some time and luck.
Things to help with this:
- Maxed out traits
- High Harmony level
- Use girl’s preferred token type
- Match 7 tokens if possible
Busy Man: Finish final night date with every girls within 4 hearts
I’m not sure with this one as it’s worded a little weirdly but I assume that you need to finish the final night without ever failing a date. (If you fail, just Alt+F4 and retry)
Night Hunter: Finish final night date with every girl in hard mode
Toggle hard mode by starting a new game and selecting “hard” as the difficulty. Be more strategic about dates (see below).
Challenger: Successfully finish 10 challenge dates
Toggle Challenge Mode by giving every “pantsu” to Himeko. Dates are more difficult so watch out.
Collecting everything!
Lucky for us lazy people, there’s a function to instantly complete a girl’s collection. Simply save up enough money and click said button. (Or you can buy every gift for a girl)
After spending the final night date with a girl, look at her profile > story. Information machine: Unlock every girl’s preferences and details
Just ask questions until you know everything. More information in this guide:
Underground Boss: Earn 200.000 Ehters
You don’t have to own 200.000 Ehters at once, what counts is your “lifetime income”.
Earn Ehters by:
- Giving girls gifts
- Talking to girls
- Doing commissions in your shop
Date strategy
For this you need 6 items (I mostly use them in this order as well):
- Mini Nuke
- Health Tracker
- Cyan Badge
- Silver Badge
- Purple Coin
- Golden Coin
Start off the date by collecting 3 Energy (silver pill tokens).
- Give Mini Nuke
Collect more Energy by making 4 token
- Give Health Tracker
The goal is to get the Harmony and Energy level as high as possible.
Try to only make 4 or more token matches, Harmony and Energy matches. If not possible, match the girl’s preferred tokens.
Use Cyan and Silver Badges to get rid of the void things if needed.
When you have enough Harmony and Energy or you have only 1 move left:
- Give Purple Coin first
- Then, give Golden Coin
That’s all we are sharing today in Cyber Crush 2069 All Achievements & Tips, if you have anything to addm please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to room138