BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION is a 2D isometric adventure game set in the distant future. you can explore a post-apocalyptic landscape, solve puzzles, meet new friends and make powerful enemies, mediate conflicts and fight for your life as you unravel the secrets of the world around you. here is a complete walkthrough for the game.
Don’s Hangar
Immediatelyafter the launch of a new game, you will receive the first achievement — There is Always a First Time. Talk to wife,choose any phrases. Watch the video.
Take a lookaround the workshop. Use LMB to move. The Spacebar allows you to see the labelsof nearby objects. All items that are marked with “green rectangles”have only a signature. You cannot interact with them. Interactive objects arethose that are highlighted with a “gray eye.” Also, when approachingsuch objects, you will see a “green frame”.
Examine therack on the right to find the terminal. Go around the helicopter and you willfind the Don’s Access Keycard nearits door. Take it and apply it to the terminal. The inventory is opened withthe key I. After doing this, read the personal message to Don and the messageto all the pilots. Go right and up. There is a TV to the right of the slotmachines. Connect to it and watch the video “A Brief History of the Penrose: Series 1”. Go to the openentrance to the garage. On the left wall, there is a pile of red debris on thefloor next to the Fargo Oil sign. Interact with it to find the Old Energy Cell. Open the inventory,hold the LMB on the Energy Cell and move it to the Agnate Retina, and then releasethe LMB. So all objects are combined. Talk to Don about all.
Soon youwill be on the Penrose.Go right up and chat with Don. Apply AgnateRetina to the nearest device, and then connect to the terminal just aboveand to the left. You need to enter a password to access it. Open the Codex inthe bottom panel and find the sketch of the investigation. There will be threepossible passwords. In our case, code 7734came up. Prepare the data, drive and disk. Go right behind Don and pull out thebackup disk from the rack.
After thevideo, run left and down until you see military vehicles. When you approachhim, the “dialogue” icon will appear above the Don. Chat with him, then goright and up. Scan the device and talk with the guards. Choose any phrases. Inany case, you will be taken to a warship that will crash.
After thecrash, click on the walkie-talkie on the bottom panel and select the Donfrequency. Chat with him on various topics. There is only one item in theinventory — a simulacrum. Go to the point of interaction on the ship on theright. You cannot do anything, since Agnate is required. There is a parking lota little lower and to the left, and even further — the icon of the “albumwith a pencil.” Similar icons allow you to make sketches of variousplaces. They appear in the “Code” of the protagonist.
Go to theright of the ship, go to the edge of the location, and follow diagonallydownwards, go around the puddle. So you pass under the bridge and find Old Dolion some spider. Talk to him on all topics and find out what to do with the Penrose. But first you need to restore the shipnearby. Go left across the bridge over the swamp, climb upwards, pass throughthe containers, and go down a little lower to the transition point to the Milkbush Seawall.
Followthere and discover the workshop. Interact with the extractor (you can make asketch next). Here you need to download the avionics databus and neural network controller. Follow below and go to Milkbush Beach. Here you will find Agnate. Chat withmechanical a dog that will join your squad. Return to the very first location,go to the ship and talk with Agnate (an icon will appear). You will learn thatmilitary vehicles are dying. When he dies, interact with the same point to pickup the avionicsdatabus. Run to the MilkbushSeawall and place the databus in the extractor near the ship. Return tothe Old Doli. Talk to him, after which you can pick up the neural network controller. Return to the Milkbusch Seawall and load the neural network there.
Now, usethe radio at the bottom of the screen, you can call the Buffalo to move on it further. There areseveral places between which you can move. Access to the Warden and Agnate Outpost is closed. Atthe same time, you can get to the Array Site 2. There will be several corpsesand the array itself. You need to find three important elements to connect toit. Now you do not have them. Therefore, the next destination is Witherberg.
Sanctuary at Witherberg
Arrive in Witherberg,go left and you will see a point for a sketch in the code above the NPC.Interact with it. Chat with the mechanic Jarek. He will agree to grant access to the Warden if you bring him thecore of the Alexis computer. You will learn about the location “Rock”.Go right and you will see the guards. Next to them will be another point forsketching into the code. Above is the entrance to the abbey, and below is thethird point for sketching into the codex.
Go insidethe abbey and talk with the bartender to find out about another location — CrashedLab. You will also receive a guard card. Go right and chat with a characternamed Atum. Rise to the second floor to meet Mina, Mistress of Witherberg. Thischaracter is a merchant, and thereare several of them in the game.
Each merchant has a limited range of uniqueproducts. You buy goods exclusively for credits. You need to take gold thingsto get a credit. Moreover, the exchange of gold for credits is next to eachmerchant. One gold item allows you to get 2 credits.
You can buyfrom Mina:
Electrical protection for 3 credits.Thermal protection for 3 credits.First aid kit for 1 credit.
The first two items are needed to improve Buffalo. A first aid kit is useful to help Mark’s wounded brother. There is a sleeping girl on the right. Go to her and find credit wallet with credits. If you pick it up the first time you visit this place, you will get 2 credits. If you pick up the wallet later, it will perform only one function (it will remain in the inventory and will show the current credit balance). Exit the abbey and go right to the location Witherberg Overlook. Chat with fisherman Ishmael.
Walkthrough Beautiful Desolation | Showgamer – Часть 2
Fly to anew location near the Warden.Get to the satellite terminal, but there’s nothing you can do about it rightnow. This is just the Alexis computer, whose core the mechanic Jake wants. Inthe lower left part of the location, look for a place with an “eye” icon. Thereyou will find a gold bar (2 credits).
Any items are indicated by the eye icon (thatcan be picked up). The icon appears only when you are in close proximity to thething. With another hand, if the subject is far away, you may notice circularstains (pulsation) emanating from it.
Not farfrom the gold bar, there is a place for a sketch in the codex on the left.
Between flights, when you request a Buffalo, your companions willexpress a desire to talk. You can communicate with them in any tone, but youwill gain more confidence if you choose more “good” phrases.
Crashed lab
After this,go to the location Crashed Lab, which was learned from the bartender from theabbey of Witherberg. Talk to the Poochthat will stop near the wounded brother. Interact with the terminal of thesecond part of the satellite, to the left of the brother. Unlock The Alexis Disaster Recovery terminal. There is a place fora sketch in the Сodexbelow the brother.
Return to Witherberg and go to the abbey. Climbto the top floor and turn in the gold bar. You will get 2 credits. Talk to Minaand buy her first-aid kit for 1 credit.
Then returnto the broken laboratory and apply the first-aid kit to the injured brother,Don Leslie. Talk to him about different topics.
Return tothe Rockface location, next Warden. Go to the computer, which this time willwork (due to the fact that you launched the simulation of the disaster in thelocation “Broken Laboratory”). Open the code and look for thethumbnails “Symbols”. If you did all the sketches, then you shouldhave three such drawings. They give tips on what symbols to choose to simulatea disaster on the Alexis computer. You do not need to do all the sketches, asyou can use the hint below. This is how the symbols should be arranged:
Having donethis, take the Alexis Data Core and take it to Witherberg, the mechanics of Jake.He will improve the Buffalo,so you can use the Wardens.
Wardens are huge teleporters that are onevery single map. Now you are in Vesta, but you can travel to other regions.Use the Wardens to move between maps. From this moment, two morelarge maps are available — Zozo and Saxonwold.
Fly to Zozoand select Train Station. Followthere, climb up to the train and chat with Shongololo.Visit this place as often as possible and keep in touch with Shongololo to unlock the achievement. Fly to the secondavailable location, Chiznyama. Talk to Don, climb up and go down tothe gate. The way inside is blocked by a red barrier. There is nothing you cando about it now. Make sketches for the code, find the golden antelope (2 credits) in the upper part of the location,above the barrier, and leave this place.
In aconversation with Don at the Chiznyamalocation, you will find out that his former airport is nearby. Move to a newlocation — Halket Hangar. Go between the buildings on theright and be careful: a golden key (2 credits)is buried here. Go around Don’s hangar and find the Broken Buddy in the deadend on the left.
This globalmap has many more interesting locations. Their number will increase. First,visit the Traveller’s Grave Yard. There will be many graves. I suspect thenames on the tombstones coincide with the names of the developers or bloggers.From one of them could dig a Femur Bone. At the very beginning, beforeentering the cemetery, go to the left side (from the Buffalo) to dig a golden dog (2 credits) from the ground.
Next, go tothe location Hanasi.Go around the territory and create all possible sketches for the code. Talk to Cotton Mouth, who is standingat the gate leading to the courtyard. He will refuse to let you go to Oothee.Talk with him, Mark will be able to convince Cotton Mouth.But you need to fulfill his request: to bring special grass. He will give you agourd of mother’s milk.
The nextstop is the Kettle. Go upstairs andinteract with the character. Talk to Thabs. He is the second merchant.You can buy several items from him:
Agnate repeater for 5 credits (needed for access in Vesta to the location Agnate Outpost).Cigarettes for 1 credit.Soft cubes for 1 credit.
The lasttwo items are accessories for the Buffalo.Nearby there is a place for the delivery of gold items. I sold all 3 gold itemsand received 6 credits, and then bought an Agnate Transponder. But you can not rush to purchase it,because inside the location there will be blocked gates! If you buy, go tothe Agnate Outpost and speak with Corporal Oosthuizen. Go inside will not work.
Go right.To the right of the stairs will be the Sangoma Tabernacle. Go inside. Go to the room on the right,interact with the panel and click on the white icon on the screen. You activatedrone charging. Go to the drone in the upper room and examine it. You will seea screen with information. Remember thecode. In my case, it is 8451 (under the phrase Output Memory). Enter this code in the panel on the left, next tothe energy barrier. Go into the third room and interact with the device on thetable. Throw a bone into it to get a Bagof Blood. In the inventory, combine the Femur Bone and Bag of Blood to get Bone Covered in Blood.Pick up a Necrosis Stimulation Tankfrom the floor at the left edge of the screen. Then de-charge the drone usingthe panel in the right room and chat with Siza on all topics.
Go outside and climb the stairs to the Kettle Gate. Talk to an obscure guard. You cannot get inside.
Walkthrough Beautiful Desolation | Showgamer – Часть 3
Return to Witherberg,enter the abbey and talk with the bartender, Bra’ Bones. He told you that hisbrother is in the Kettle. Ask how to get inside. He will give a hint to thepassword.
Follow to Chiznyama and go to the force field. There isa writhing man in the hut on the left. Go there and find an object — Strange Seeds. In the inventory,combine a bottle of mother’s milk and strange seeds to get wild Seeds Soaked in Mother’s Milk.
The Kettle
Return to the Kettle and go to the Gate. In aconversation with the guard select any phrase. You will pass through the gate.
Go left andtalk to LooseLips. Next,follow the location up to be on the field with crops. Chat here with KettleMaiden. Talk twice! A second conversation will be available if you havereceived Soaked in Mother’s Milk.She will agree to grow them. There is the entrance to the Shebeen in the Kettle on the right. But firstgo down from it down on the right side and dig a golden woman (2 credits) from under the palm tree.
Go inside thetavern. Chat with Grave about all. You will get the opportunity to get to the Bulwark.Also talk with the bartender’s brother from Witherberg. He isstanding in the corner. You can returnto Bra’ Bones at Witherberg Abbey and say that his brother is eager to see him. Inthis case, Bra’ Bones will disappear from the abbey. Grave knows why you came. He is ready to give Red Mercuryif you bring him the Maskof Nevrogorses (from the Bulwark). You willalso learn about the Kettle Garage.
Leave the Kettle and fly to the Kettle Garage. After landing, go down until you find a robot behindthe building. Remove the Nexus GuardianCPU from it. If you now return toMina (a merchant) in Witherberg,she will talk about an alternative way to get red mercury.
Return to theKettle and pick up the grown CultivatedHerb from the field. You can chat with Siza in the robot hut.
Return to the locationHanasi and pass the selection grass to Cotton Mouth. Pass through the gate to Fort Hanasi. Go upstairs and enter HanasiTaphouse.Make sketches, and then talk to Gogga. He will say that you can talkwith Oothee only after winning the competition. But before you can take part,you need to bring him a breeding grass, with which he can bless the beetles.
Go outside;rise even higher, go up and to the right to the end to meet Narchee. He will say that hehas lost touch with the Caecus. The location of Caecus will appear now. You can go there right now andtalk with Raisin. However, he will not say how to get to the Tree.
Go to the Bulwarkand climb to the very top, make sketches. Commandant Dirk will refuse to let youin. Go down and go to the throne room. Talk to Boomelaar. He will say that youcan enter the arena only after you make an offering. If you followed our guide,then you should have the right item in your inventory. You need Bone Covered in Blood (read above, howto get bone). Interact with the altar in the center and apply a bone covered inblood on it. Go to the gameroom and chat with the Learned slave. You can ask two questions (the third heasks not to ask, and there’s no point in this). To the right and below there isa shining altar. On the side of it, against the wall lies a golden priest (2 credits).
Meeting with Oothee
To meet with Oothee,return to the Kettle and collect another Cultivated Herb from the field. Move to Fort Hanasi and chat with Gogga in a tavern. Pass himthe grass and fight in the mini-game. You need to defeat Gogga in the battle ofbeetles. Use three items in turn (and not all in one turn). The best thing isto wait for your opponent to throw your things away. After victory, give thebug a name, decide its fate and chat with Oothee. Oothee will tell you thatthey want to leave this world, but they are the only suppliers of breeding herbs(in the desired volumes). They also have a Tether Device. You will receive a Chiznyama Communication Device.
By showgamer
Found this very helpful, thank you! I noticed you didn’t mention a gold (can’t remember what it was) item I found under the bridge to the right of the Hanasi Taphouse. Thanks again for the guide.
Thanks, don’t destroy Buddy! It can be fixed 🙂
there’s a golden Rhino in Fort Hanasi, after picking up a sketch at the base level and keep walking a bit further.