In this guide of Port Royale 3 I’m gonna show you the basic formula and consuption rates per capita of all goods to make sure you cover all your cities demand.
Goods Consumption formula and rate per/capita
You can check the complete formula in the Wiki Fandom if you prefer it, just completed the table but is too big to completely show it in the page, so I put it in an excel doc as you can see here:
I’ve never seen how consuption rate works in this game, Kalypso doesn’t like hard and well done job as well as Ascaron when they made the biggest trading game of this genre (yes, I’m obviusly talking about Patrician 3) and if cities show you total consuption of each good by city, the game doesn’t allow you to check consumption while organizing the trade route as well as Patrician did, mainly because the trading system is designed to be automatic instead of manual, which can be extremely inefficient in many cases and doesn’t assure the perfect demand and production control.
Just calculated basic consuption of each good PER CAPITA AND DAY. This consuption is the same for every city, unless you enable dinamic demand on menu settings, but this mechanic just affect to fruit and some luxurious goods as meat, metals, textil or cocoa and just do it when the city becomes prosperous or rich, what’s extremely difficult to extend in time by disasters mechanic. The table is the next:
0.001372: Wood
0.002745: Bricks and Wheat
0.0022: Fruit
0.0011: Corn,Sugar, Hemp, Cotton, Rope, Bread.
0.00054: Cloth, Metal, Tools, Coffee, Cocoa, Tobacco, Textiles, Meat, Rum.
0.00027: Dyes
It’s simple, just multiple by total population of your city and it’ll give you the current consuption. Important: Aproach upward the result to get the exact in-game value (something like by example, 15.9 gonna be the result in most cases, so 16 should be the in-game value).
– But mate, that’s useless as I can check consuption in the market.
Yes, but market window closes everytime you wanna edit your trade route config so by this way you can do it directly or, even better, config routes our consuption of multiple cityes, even of entire game if you wanna suffer doing maths 2 hours.
I hope someone found this usefull. Aniway, it’s my contribution to community.
IMPORTANT EDIT: As I said before, the consuption rate is estimated per capita AND DAY, I repeat this because the game shows you the consuption for 10 days and that’s a little useless if you wanna config individual routes or any other not-decimal time-route. In Patrician 3 for example, many of us used to make individual routes for every city, so we had to calculate goods consuption in most cases for 3-5 or 10 days. To calculate this, you have the Formula table which shows you consuption of every good in-game by 2000 pop (most cities will hace 2 multiple pop number) keeping in mide the consuption that any industrial good needs to be produced too in amout enough to cover city demand (my brain is fried atm, I didnt even get B2 Cambridge degree).