For Wanderlust Adventures players who are collecting achievements, this is an in-depth guide to all achievements within Wanderlust Adventures.
*for me it was 2, maybe you are more lucky, see the last 2 achievements of this guide
I have tried to sort the achievements according to their difficulty.
Sections 1 and 2 deal with achievements you will get during a playthrough nearly guaranteed.
The achievements in sections 3 and 4 can be done pretty much anytime without much effort.
Section 5 requires a specific play style and will definitely not be unlocked by accident. You will need to grind for these achievements.
In the general tips/glitches section, you will find some good-to-know stuff, as well as some general infos about the game, i had trouble finding out, or only realised after a few hours. Make sure to read it, there are some really helpful tips. At least consider reading about the Double-Chest-Glitch.
Because no one else wrote a guide, it was quite hard for me to figure some stuff out and I’m sure I don’t know everything there is to know.
But some infos will definitely help you.
100%ing it is quite a tedious job, it took me around 140 hours, but I’m sure you can do better.
There are massive grinding aspects for some achievements and a bit of luck based stuff, but don’t worry we will get through this together.
The main two time killers are getting every character to max level and crafting all items.
You only need one playthrough of this game. And i recommend playing it without any guide.
You can’t miss anything, you can always replay any mission and any boss.
So just enjoy your first playthrough, I personally liked playing it in coop, even though I am not that much of a coop-guy.
Some general tips/glitches
– When being rewarded with a chest, (killing a boss, finishing a quest, killing a renowned enemy) the chest will try to spawn around two squares to the right of you. IF there is free space. If there is no free space, it will spawn above you, or somewhere else.
There is a glitch which allows you to open two chests, even though you would only be rewarded with one. The easiest way to do this is the following:
When you know there will be a chest-spawn (boss has low HP, you gonna kill him soon or you know a quest is about to end) make sure there is space to the right of you, so you absolutely know where it will spawn.
Walk to the right when the chest is about to appear/appears. You don’t need to use teleportation magic or a jump or running. Just normal walking to the right. SPAM the button which opens chests.(Spacebar for PC)
When doing it right the chest will open 2 times. One time when the spawning animation happens, and another time when the real chest appears.
This trick is NOT hard to pull off. But let me tell you. It will be INCREDIBLY helpful, when farming late game bosses, endgame crafting materials etc. KEEP THIS TRICK IN MIND and practice it.
If you do not want to make use of any glitches, you can add another ~50 hours to your 100% time.
Enemy Auras:
Bosses and renowned (orange skull) enemies have some of the following auras. Some are SUPER dangerous, while you can’t even detect the effect of some weak auras.
Freezing attacks (which freeze you, making you unable to move or do anything, VERY dangerous when playing on higher difficulty)
Poison Aura (which decreases your health permanently while being near that enemy, the worst buff an enemy can get. You can’t do anything about this, it WILL bring you to 1 HP in a few seconds BUT the aura can NOT kill you, however it leaves you very vulnerable)
Regenerating Aura (which regenerates enemies HP, it’s annoying, but not super bad: just makes the fight longer)
Speed Aura (which gives the enemies a huge speed buff, just play more defensive and it’s okay)
Shield Aura (which makes OTHER enemies invincible, until the boss monster dies. So the boss is vulnerable, only his companions are shielded, has a relatively short range)
and some more buffs, which basically do nothing, so don’t worry about them… If you find an endgame boss on highest difficulty with some really bad stuff, there is a chance you are not able to kill it, no matter how good you play.
Awards (XP multiplier):
Something I didn’t understand in the beginning of the game was the award system. When in menu you can navigate to the “Awards Page”. It shows you all possible “Awards” you can get while in fight.
Killing monsters grants you XP and Gold. When you get an award while fighting it gives you a multiplier for the granted XP and Gold. You can only get awards once per fight.
So in order to gain a lot of XP you want a LONG fight, in which you get a lot of multipliers (awards).
You should only track the awards that need some attention; while others are nearly impossible to get.
The main award(s) you need to track are the “hit” awards. Making 50, 100 and 200 hits in a fight will EACH grant you an award. BUT being attacked resets the “hits”.
There is a weird way the game counts those “hits”. Hitting an enemy with a regular attack mostly gives you 1-4 hits. The game will tell you on the left side of the screen how many hits you did.
This makes it VERY easy for mage chars to gain a lot of XP. Not only do magic attacks give you up to 10 hits. Being a caster also makes it easier to avoid being attacked.
BE CAREFUL of archers. Standing still while they are firing will most likely result in being hit and losing your hit counter.
There are some awards that don’t increase your multiplier, for example the “being defeated” one is really silly.
There are some awards that are nearly impossible. (“don’t get hurt in battle”, “revive an ally”)
And there are awards you will ALWAYS get (“Soul Edge” = having an unused Soul Charge through a battle)
Soul Charges:
When fighting enemies you will see a bar getting filled at the right part of the screen, when it is full you will get a soul charge (max. 3 in normal mode; max. 1 in hard/epic mode)
If you leave the game you will lose the complete bar and all soul charges!
You can use Soul Charges for different effects:
– when you die in a fight you can use 1 Soul Charge to revive yourself, all enemies will take a huge amount of damage when doing this. (I’m not sure, but i think renowned enemies don’t take damage)
– You are able to use buff towers which can be found everywhere in the game. They are really awesome and can make bosses very easy. But keep in mind: you only have 1 Soul Charge in epic mode and sometimes you need the revive in a boss fight.
– You are able to enter the arena. Entering the arena simply costs 1 Soul Charge.
Teleporting to the warpstones:
You can activate some warpstones on the map. When leaving the town, you will be asked if you want to leave, or teleport to one of those warpstones.
This may be restricted while having some special quests active. You will know what I mean if you get there.
However while being somewhere else, you can not warp to the warpstones. ONLY in town.
But you can always teleport to town…………….. so yes, you can just teleport to town and then to a warpstone when leaving the town.
Changing the difficulty:
In town there is an obelisk. If you activate it, you can change the difficulty from Easy to Hard or Epic .
It also reminds you that Epic is created for playing on a high level (15-25) and on Multiplayer.
But epic is also the only game mode where legendary crafting materials drop. You CAN play it in singleplayer.
Unless you don’t need to play on epic for an achievement… i don’t recommend this mode. Enemies can easily one hit you even with maxed gear and being on the highest level.
Map layout in dungeons:
The map layout is mostly symmetrical. so if you start on the top right corner, the exit will most likely be on the lower left corner. Heres an example for the most common layout:
There are some exceptions, but there aren’t that many different layouts. After doing like 10- dungeons you start to remember some layouts.
This is very helpful when farming endgame stuff, as you do not want to stay in a dungeon for too long and risk being ambushed.
ALSO: when you need to farm a specific boss for some materials or crafting recipes, I would recommend you to farm this boss in one sitting.
In most dungeons you need to go through 2 floors until you reach the boss. After defeating the boss and leaving the dungeon, you can go back in to kill the boss again. (If it’s a quest boss remember to get the quest again)
The benefit from this is the following: the first floor will be the same as the second floor from the previous boss-kill. You even have the map uncovered on the first floor. This makes navigating easier and a lot faster.
This works even better for the optional dungeon bosses (Grizzly, Giga Slime, Reaper …). I think it is a bug: When you re-enter the dungeon after a boss-fight you only have to go through one floor.
And because you uncovered the map you can basically rush these bosses in no time.
1. Story-based Achievements (unmissable)
1. Knock On Wood
– Help The Desert Outpost
– Just play the story, eventually you will get this achievement.
2. Raiders Of Tombs
– Help the Archaeologist Camp
– Just play the story, eventually you will get this achievement
3. Blood Brothers
– Help Temple Domenu
– Just play the story, eventually you will get this achievement
4. Brain Teaser
– Help the Exploratorium
– Just play the story, eventually you will get this achievement
5. Ready For The Lich
– Help all of the outposts
– Just play the story, eventually you will get this achievement
2. Achievements you don’t need to worry about
6. No Sweat
– Defeat a Renowned Mini-Boss
– Possibly the first achievement you will get, even before helping the Desert Outpost. Enemies spawn in 3 versions:
Normal enemies
“Blue” enemies, which are just stronger versions of the normal ones and
“Orange” (renowned) enemies, which are something like “elite” enemies, having a large HP-Pool and 1-2 special buffs.
You just have to kill one of those. and you will kill THOUSANDS of those while playing. So don’t worry at all. They will also always drop a chest.
7. They Are Coming…
– Survive an ambush
– There is a chance when entering a new area, you will be ambushed. It is indicated by a lock symbol on the exit circles and in the beginning you will notice that there are no enemies in the area.
Then enemies will spawn from the exit circles and attack you. After you kill approximately 15-20 enemies you will be rewarded a treasure and the ambush is over.
This will happen a lot and is SUPER annoying as it can happen in dungeons too and you have no way to run away. Especially on hard/epic mode this will be extremely tedious.
I do believe the longer you play and the longer you don’t finish ambushes (you can just teleport to town) the more ambushes you will get. This might be not true and is pure speculation,
but when i played longer sessions, there were like no ambushes first, but after a few hours (and teleporting away) suddenly there was an enormous increase in ambushes.
8. Well Hello Mr. Fancy-Pants!
– Augment an item
– Some items have a green or blue socket for placing a gem. The blue gems are extremely helpful building a strong char. More on that later.
For this achievement just place a gem in an item with a slot. Don’t worry about crafting materials, you will have plenty in the end.
BUT some blue gems are a bit more expensive, so don’t pump them.
9. Ready For Epic Mode!
– Hit level 15 with any class
– After playing some time you will eventually hit lvl 15, earning this achievement. Nothing much to say about this
10. If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It
– Deal 1 million total damage
– Sounds like a lot, but in the end it’s nothing compared to what you did. Don’t worry about this.
11. Loot Hoard
– Collect a stack of 99 of any item
– You might think this will take a long time … But no: in the end you will have to farm crafting materials for crafting every item.
You will have hundreds of crafting items that you can’t even use.
12. What A Piece Of Junk!
– Earn 5,000 Awards
– See General Tips for more information
Considering you will need to level 4 characters to max level … 5,000 is a walk in the park.
By the end of collecting all achievements i had around 35,000 awards with my main character.
13. Richy Rich
– Possess 1 million tokens
– This actually is not that easy. 1 million Tokens is pretty much.
But considering the fact that you need to craft at least 14 items that cost 400,000 tokens each… you will also get this achievement.
Maybe remember to not spend the 400,000 as soon as you have them. (Don’t worry, you will not have the crafting materials at that time)
14. Pills Here!
– Heal 500,000 points of health.
– I actually don’t remember how i did it, but i think you can just heal yourself or your companion.
You will get this without worrying about it. Just do everything else and this will pop-up eventually.
3. Exploration/Menu-based/Skill-based Achievements
15. I Didn’t Like That Build Either
– Re-spec your character
– While playing, the time will come where you consider trying other spells/builds. Thankfully that’s not a problem in this game.
You can re-spec your character in town for free. There is a man to the left of the camp-fire: Just talk to him. Tell him you want to re-spec. And invest your skill points in hopefully better spells.
16. Engage!
– Find every quick-travel Warpstone
– Quick-Travel Warpstones are absolutely essential for travelling long distances in a short time. You absolutely want to have all of them, as you need to travel between areas to collect some rare stuff.
17. Cartography
– Discover every map section in one game
– This achievement is a bit time consuming, especially given the fact that you need to see every map part in ONE SITTING.
If you exit the game you have to start over.
To uncover the mountain area on the left of the map you will need to follow the final quest.
Go in town, talk to the main quest-giver and play through this quest until you reach the mountainside. Then discover this part.
– Complete level 5 of the Mining & Fishing Mini-Games
– I personally had absolutely no problems fi(ni)shing this achievement. But due to only 1,1% of people aquiring this achievement, I will give some tips.
The mining-mini-game can be started by pressing spacebar close to the “rocks” with sparkling diamonds in the mine (or some other tiles on the map).
You need to spend 250 tokens, you will gain 125 tokens for every gem you hit. (hit spacebar when the indicators are exactly atop of the diamonds).
That’s absolutely the WORST farming method for tokens and also really bad for crafting materials, despite some NPCs will tell you that it is a great method for farming.
If you have the Achievement: don’t ever waste time here again.
What worked best for me: don’t look directly on the diamonds. Look at something else on the screen, so you only see the mini-game in the corner of your vision.
This helped me to not lose concentration and my eyes never got tired. Try it.
I don’t actually remember, but there is something in my memory that you need to do both mini-games on level 5 in one sitting, but I could be wrong here.
The fishing-mini-game can be done on the coast, go to the fish-puddles and pay 100 tokens to play.
You can fish 2 fishes at once, but the line goes back up if you hit a fish. So it’s best to first try the bottom fish and hope you will get another one while the line goes back up.
Stay calm and try your best. Eventually you will get through this. I actually had a lot of fun with this mini-game and played it more than I needed to. But same as the mining-mini-game it is absolutely bad for farming.
19. Insert Bear-Pun Here
– Defeat The Grizzly
– The Grizzly is just an optional Boss on the boarder of Desert/Barrens and is found in the smelly cave. Teleport to the Coast and then walk 3 Tiles north and 1 tile west.
20. Paragon of Purity
– Hit level 25 with a Crusader (see achievement Nr. 23)
21. Arch Mage
– Hit level 25 with a Sorcerer (see achievement Nr. 23)
22. A Hero of Legend
– Hit level 25 with a Warrior (see achievement Nr. 23)
23. The One They Fear
– Hit level 25 with an Assassin
Use the XP-multiplier tips for high amount of XP. I recommend farming in the mountains. Just go there via the endgame quest and start bashing skeletons. This will take some time. Some classes are way better for farming (especially mage). Use a lot of abilities, AOE-Spells are really good. Try to get as many enemies as possible in a very long fight and stack those Multipliers and XP.
4. Multiplayer Achievement

– Defeat any Dungeon Boss while playing co-op.
Luckily there is only 1 true multiplayer achievement. And it only requires to kill 1 simple boss.
If you have no one to do this with, you can ask in the steam discussions, you will find someone else there.
If you’re missing only this achievement and did everything else you can also add me, I will help out.
5. End-Game-Achievements

– Rebirth any class
– After hitting lvl 25 you can rebirth your class at “mother” in west Overgrowth. This will set your character back to level 15 but granting you one additional skill point. (for most classes: not worth it)
The following Achievements require you to kill the main bosses in Epic difficulty. Since Epic is made for 1-4 players, minimum lvl 15, it will be quite challenging, but it is doable (in singleplayer). I recommend not doing it under lvl 25 solo and some legendary equipment.
Since I did every boss solo with the mage I will reveal my strategy for this class. Getting a legendary helmet, which gives you 1 auto-revive made it WAY more manageable.
Also don’t go in these boss fights without a Soul Charge, so you can revive unless you are very familiar in killing the boss.
As you need to get at least 10 of every legendary crafting material for the achievement Master Craftsman (Craft every item) you absolutely need to kill some bosses multiple times. Getting through the dungeons is difficult enough.
(You will love ambushes after this) I recommend playing the mage as you can teleport through the dungeon and avoid most conflicts.
Take the assassin as companion, he will be invisible when entering a room, making it easier to avoid enemies.
Remember: On Epic difficulty, as soon as a fight starts you will be locked in a room.
26. Bandit Beatdown
– Defeat Epic Barbuda
– It starts easy by killing Barbuda on Epic difficulty. Go to the camp and get the quest for killing Barbuda. (Last quest in first camp)
Head north to the thief’s lair. Just dodge his heavy punches and swirls. It is wise to have a shield (Rock Ward as mage) when he casts his stone-spikes.
27. Colossal Crash
– Defeat Epic Ancient Colossus
– Take the last quest in the Barrens Camp and head to the temple. In the fight you can try to kill the insects, but it requires some heavy damage.
I would recommend running in circles or 8’s to avoid getting hit. When he casts his laser, I teleported through them with Energize, then running to his hands and attacking them with energize and Rock Ward.
I’m sure the other classes have some abilities to avoid the lasers, too.
28. Bad Blood
– Defeat Epic Blood Golem
– On the last quest of Temple Domenu you have to kill the blood golem. It was quite easy for me, as you only have to worry about his blood throw-up.
I just ran in circles, spamming Energize. Stopping the spamming, when I suspected him of throwing up (and dodged). If you are unlucky and the blood golem has some strong auras (regenrating or poison) this can be a very difficult fight. Maybe you want to restart the game if this happens.
29. Mind Mirrors
– Defeat Epic Mind Blight
– I think Mind Blight is an easy boss, as he doesn’t deal any damage and you just need to remember the patterns of the mirrors.
With Rock Ward I managed to just block every single projectile. And then wrote down the patterns. I don’t think there is a time-limit to the mirrors.
So when they blink just write down the pattern… something like “lrmlmmr” (l for left, r for right, and m for middle) and you’re easy to go.
30. A Slippery Slope
– Defeat Epic Slurge
– The Slurge is an optional boss in the Desert. It requires you to go to the abandoned house and talk to the lady, which then goes down the drain 😉
You can find the Dungeon by teleporting to the arena, then one tile south and one tile east.
The boss fight is quite challenging. You need to dodge the bullets, and you don’t want to get killed by the other slimes.
My attack-pattern looked like this: I stand on the lower left part of the room. When the bullets start I walk to the lower right and then teleport back to the lower left.
This way you avoid all bullets, cause they are always counter-clockwise and teleport back to the starting point of your walking-pattern.
In the time there were no bullets I just attacked with Energize. Deals good damage and also pushes back the other slimes, so they wont be able to get to you.
Remember to cast Rock Ward.. IF the slimes get to you they will be pushed back. Don’t focus on the mini-slimes. They will respawn.
The fight will take some time and you need to concentrate without pause. Good luck!
31. Lich-Like Lamentations
– Defeat Epic Lich
– The Lich (do the final quest in town) will be easier, but (at least for me) will take even more time.
The sections with fireballs are super easy. Just block them (Rock-Ward) or dodge them. The fights in between are super annoying.
The Succubus are quite dangerous (block the thrown hearts with Rock Ward) and every enemy has a ton of HP and high Attack-power. Also the Assassins can one hit you.
The worst enemies however are the 2 ancient knights which will spawn. They have a LOT of HP, deal massive damage, have an attack which makes them leap forward AND they heal themselves.
These guys will take a lot of time. This will make the 2 undead golems in last phase look like a walk in the park. However it is manageable.
32. These go to 11
– Defeat Epic Crystalis
– Not really manageable is the fight against epic Crystallis. This is a real pain. I would absolutely not recommend this fight without an auto-revive helmet and a soul.
You can get to this fight by going to the mine. (3 south from Barrens Camp) and talk to the head-miner on the left side.
Only when he gives you the quest stating that the miners hear “a strange sound” you can enter the boss room via the mines. If he gives the wrong quest you can port to town, go back to menu and start a new session.
This fight….. is REALLY hard.
I managed to do it BARELY with being fully equipped in legendary armour. I always tried to maintain the Rock Ward and attacking Crystallis with normal shocks.
What you need to know about his 4 phases:
Electrical: he throws shocks at you (which you can block with Rock Ward) and damages you with lighting (which I managed to heal with Rock Ward), you can attack in this phase.
Earth: Is quite dangerous, because he will spawn meteors which 1-hit me. So I just ran around him in circles, avoiding all damage. You can try to attack, but I would not recommend.
Ice: That’s the best phase. Just keep up Rock Ward and spam Shock at him.
Fire: This phase is dangerous AF!!! This is where I was killed all the time. When being near him, he will cast his fire breath, dealing a ton of dmg.
When standing far away he will cast his meteor shower, dealing a ton of damage. You need to concentrate like hell.
I managed to do it like this: I stood in the south corner of the boss room, avoiding all flame-breath attacks. when he casts his shower, just take a few steps outside of it, but not too far, you don’t want to get in range for the Flame-breath.
It gets really hard when he casts like 3 Meteor showers at once. You will not have much space left to move. You can manage it by teleporting or walking to the other corners of the room.
But remember: only the corners far away will be safe-spots. In some corners you will be hit by his Flame-breath!
33. Shiny!
– Wear all Unique (Orange) gear
– I will cover this with the next achievement:
6. Grinding-Achievements

– Craft every item
– Yeah… this is a really nice achievement.
I will not cover getting the green or blue items. You will get enough crafting materials while farming the legendary crafting stuff.
There are 16 different legendary items you need to craft (14 at blacksmith and 2 at the jeweler)
EVERY legendary item will require Arena Trophies.
The ring and the amulet only need 5 Arena Trophies and NO other legendary crafting material.
In comparison they are really easy to craft BUT they are not that great. I would recommend getting those two first, as with my Arena Trophy farming method you can get them in a short time. (max. one hour if you are unlucky)
ALL the legendary items at the blacksmith require 10! Arena Trophies (which add to a minimum of 150 in total) and 10 of some other legendary crafting material. AND 400,000 gold/money.
The pure number of arena trophies make this a real struggle.
Lets get to the Arena Trophies first:
The fastest way for me was doing a specific quest which is extremely short and rewards you with a chest. USE THE DOUBLE CHEST BUG I described at the start! Or you will double the time for this.
Go to the Archeologist Camp (Number “2” on the map) and talk to the quest giver (red hair girl named Molly). Accept the quest “They Call it a Mine”.
In this quest you need to escort a miner to the mine. And the mine is just two squares south from where you start. While at the mine you just need to wait until the reward-chest appears, take the loot. Then go into the menu, hit “return to last outpost” and you can do the quest again.
It takes about 30 seconds, maybe faster if you did it a few times. Just make sure you do this on Epic difficulty, so Arena Trophies will drop. Sometimes you will get like 20 Arena Trophies in an hour. Sometimes only 10… it really depends on luck.
You COULD farm in the arena for legendary crafting materials, but i think this is WAY harder than the other farming methods. This is because the Arena can spawn some enemies that will most likely kill you and you are not guaranteed to get legendary materials.
The other crafting materials drop from bosses.
All bosses in a chapter drop the same legendary crafting material…
For example Barbuda (Boss from Chapter 1) ALWAYS drops a Ruby and Black Cloth. Sometimes the bosses also drop an Arena Trophy, but it is not guaranteed.
And with bosses I also mean the mini dungeon bosses. For example you could farm the Lich for miasma and ethereal glass.
But you could also farm those 2 crafting materials from the reaper in “The Portal” (far right on the mountains), which is MUCH MORE easy than killing the Lich.
Remember: you only need 10 of every legendary crafting material. There is no benefit from farming more than 10. With the double-chest glitch you need to kill only 5 bosses for every material.
The bosses I think were the easiest:
Barbuda (just dodge his hammer and it’s a free kill) for Chapter 1
The Ancient Colossus (you would be brain-dead if you farm Crystallis instead of Colossus) for Chapter 2
Giga Slime in the Slime Cave (Blood Golem can be WAY to powerful with the wrong auras) for Chapter 3
Mind Blight for Chapter 4
The Reaper for endgame
If you have all of your crafting materials, make sure the bosses also dropped the legendary crafting recipes. The blacksmith/juweler menu will tell you in which chapter you are missing recipes.
Maybe you will need to kill a boss a few more times after collecting all materials if you miss the recipes. I only needed to kill Giga Slime one more time. So 10 chests most likely will do the trick.
35. Catch ’em All
– Purchase every companion
– Actually I don’t remember this. I know I had all companions after levelling up every character. If you have a problem here please write down in the comments.
I only remember that I got the recipes from chests…
36. Respect
– Get to level 20 of The Crawl
– This Achievement is impossible for me, but maybe you are able to pull it off. Let me know if you are able to do this.
Basically you need to farm a Soul Charge, so you can enter the arena. Some people wrote that the difficulty does matter. But it only does for the starting round.
On normal you start on Round 1.
On hard you start on Round 4.
On Epic you start on Round 10.
The difficulty of the enemies in the arena does not change!
On round 10 the enemies on normal, hard and epic are the exact same!
So the only difference is that you start on a higher round when selecting a higher difficulty.
There are only two minor advantages when playing on lower difficulty:
– The farming of the Soul Charge to enter the arena is harder on a higher difficulty.
– After a round you are rewarded with a chest. Starting at round 10 there is a chance to get legendary crafting materials. But the chest after round 9 ALSO can contain legendary crafting material.
So it would be a HUGE time-waste to farm something with this method, but it would be possible to farm legendary items with beating the arena until level 9/10 and just MAYBE get crafting materials.
Even Arena Trophies are not guaranteed in the arena! It is better to farm them with normal chests.
So what makes this achievement impossible?
There are many reports stating that the arena is heavily bugged. I managed to get to round 14, maybe 15. But there will be a time when the game glitches and you are not able to move. There will be no more enemy-spawns and you are forced to alt+F4 the game.
Some people report that this happens when a specific type of enemy spawns. Many consider the Acrid enemy to be responsible for this glitch. I think this is true. So I think the achievement COULD be possible if you get lucky and the game doesn’t glitch.
Maybe it’s possible if you don’t get the enemies that are responsible for this glitch, but after a few tries I didn’t want to try anymore. Again: let me know if you manage to get this!
37. The Best Of Bestiaries
– Master your Hunter’s Log
– This is the other impossible achievement for me.
Basically you need to get to the highest star in the hunting log for EVERY monster. In the in-game-menu you can find the hunting log for every enemy in the game. You get different ranks for killing the enemies for a specific amount.
For example you need to kill the bosses 8 times to get the highest rank “Renowned Hunter” and the “Green Star” for this enemy as a reward. It doesn’t help you in any way, it’s just for cosmetics.
Luckily you can do this on any difficulty. And I did it, but the achievement never popped up. I have a feeling that this could be because the last enemy I killed for this was the “Hell Boar” enemy.
The hell boars explode after death. I teleported away before it exploded, so I got the green star for hell boars, but I didn’t see the explosion. This COULD be the explanation. OR this achievement is just bugged.
Please let me know if you got this achievement. (or any tips how I could get it now).