Choices to get all achievements. ~15 min to 100%
2: Rise and shine.
2: See what the captain wants.
1: You never doubted the captain.
2: Head back to your cabin and prepare your things.
1: You’ll be careful.
1: Don’t mention that last part.
(The Sea Doesn’t Want Me)
1: Give your farewell.
Walk right (hold D button)
1: Hi!
2: Yes.
1: Shake her hand.
1: Now find out who she is.
2: Wave to the man.
1: Ask about him.
1: He’s scary.
1: Question time. Yippee.
1: Explain your task.
2: Look toward the rest of the town.
2: This place is awful.
1: She hasn’t left though.
1: Where is my place in the world?
1: Don’t object.
1: Do your job.
1: Take the picture.
1: Not yet.
1: Tell Frida.
1: Let her down easy.
2: Give the simple version.
1: Correct.
2: Say nothing.
1: Time to go.
1: Sounds like a good idea.
Walk right to the General Store and press space to enter.
1: Must be Frida’s husband.
2: What do you want? What does he even sell?
1: It’s freezing. See if he has a coat.
2: Does he think I’m trying to f*ck his wife?
2: Say something you shouldn’t.
2: Threaten him.
Walk right to the Saloon and press space to enter.
2: Survey the room.
2: Speak to the barfly.
2: Give him the short version.
3: Remain quiet.
1: You should listen to this guy.
2: The secrets of the universe have been unraveled.
1: Why?
1: What the hell?
1: Story time?
2: Remain quiet.
1: Is there more to the story?
1: Maybe the barfly knows where to find a coat.
2: Bad idea.
(Historian on Duty)
1: Leave.
Walk down from the church
1: Take the photo
1: Nod.
2: …But your soul is rich.
1: Everywhere.
1: Stay silent.
1: Where does she intend on taking you?
1: What does any of that have to do with you?
1: What was that all about…
2: Why didn’t she just talk to you?
1: None of this is adding up.
1: Your task is too important to be jeopardized.
2: Why is she taking you north?
1: Trouble?
1: Maybe she killed someone.
3: Accept your fate.
2: No details necessary.
2: Compelling argument.
2: Put your camera away.
(Best Friends Forever)
1: Be friendly. Act cool.
1: Is she going to follow you the whole time?
Walk left to the General Store
1: Oh god. Gene is going to be pissed.
1: Watch.
2: Woah.
1: All this for a coat.
2: Let her do what she has to do.
1: I’m trying.
Walk up to the tree without leaves at the river.
1: There’s no bridge…
2: Stop making that face and do what she says.
1: Undress. Let’s get this over with.
1: Step into the water.
1: Find some firewood.
3: Hold on… I feel some emotion washing over me…
2: This branch… It’s all alone, separated from its family, washed up on a river bank. It makes me feel…
1: I’m trying to be profound. Don’t you understand?
2: What if people don’t understand my profound words?
1: Then it’s time to be profound. Really profound.
2: Grab the branch.
3: Say something profound.
(Am I Real?)
2: Not profound enough.
1: Give her the branch.
1: Elijah.
2: I don’t care about her name.
1: Enjoy the silence for a moment.
1: Break the silence.
1: Husband? Where does he fit into this whole debacle?
1: Just nod.
1: Did she forget you’re here against your will?
1: Speak your mind.
1: Ask the obvious question.
1: So the mayor killed him.
1: And that’s how she ended up here.
1: You don’t like it, but you get it.
1: Who?
1: Get moving.
Walk up to the bridge (ignore shuck)
1: Nope.
1: Does she have a plan?
2: That sounds like a terrible idea.
1: This could go very wrong.
1: Go.
2: Don’t bother. Get a move on.
1: Why would she think you know that?
2: Let Louise answer.
1: Absolutely.
1: Cold.
2: There’s nothing you can say that won’t make this worse. Keep your mouth shut.
1: Happiness.
1: Is that a good thing?
3: You should’ve known she’d throw you to the wolves.
2: I can hold it in.
1: Guess I’m crying then.
3: All I want to do is take photos. Is that so much to ask?
2: Tell him your name.
1: Pretty much.
(What Seems to be the Problem Officer?)
1: Go.
Walk left to Jail House and press space to enter.
1: Compose yourself.
1: In your go.
2: This guy has awful breath.
2: Try not to breathe.
2: Yes he was. He’s staring right at you. You’re going to the slammer.
2: No way. It’s all you’ve got.
2: Leave him alone for now.
2: No I’m not. If this sheriff wanted me dead, I would be.
2: That’s fine by me.
1: Yes it is.
1: This is pointless.
2: I could be planning my escape right now.
2: Stop thinking these things.
1: Let it all out.
2: Apologise.
1: Who is this man?
1: Introduce yourself.
1: Tell him what you do.
1: Tell him about Louise.
1: Perhaps?
1: Get a read of him.
1: How long has he been in that cell?
1: Walks?
1: Sounds intriguing.
6: Stop the questioning.
1: Up you get.
2: Just follow the sheriff.
1: Go.
Walk right to the tents.
3: Quite the assumption.
2: Get a look.
2: Get a closer look at each of the men.
1: Ask the sheriff about the men.
1: Keep your mouth shut.
1: That’s right. I ain’t moving.
2: Set your camera up.
1: I’m doing what I need to survive.
1: It is.
1: Take the picture.
1: Done.
1: No.
2: Yeah, you did do good.
1: Now?
2: Eat the beans.
2: Keep silent.
2: Get a move on.
Walk down to Grubb Station.
1: Look inside the railway office.
1: Louise?
1: Go closer.
1: Answer truthfully.
1: Head outside.
1: What’s he planning?
1: Please don’t shoot her.
2: He shouldn’t get to decide these things.
2: Then why has he kept you around this long?
1: Wait, how could he know about her bounty?
1: Yet he let her go.
1: No more questions.
1: Go inside.
1: Drag her inside.
1: Grab it.
2: No, just Louise. She’s woken up.
1: No.
1: Explain the situation.
1: Where’d that match come from?
1: Lotti’s camp?
1: Tell her what happened at the hot springs.
2: Thanks?
1: Explain.
1: Her turn to explain what she’s doing here.
1: You forgive her.
1: What’s she planning?
1: Your train.
1: Get on the train.
1: Look at the driver.
1: It’s exquisite.
1: That’s sad.
1: Where is Cheyenne?
1: Such as?
1: That’s enough information.
2: Terrible things.
2: Yes.
1: He’s human like the rest of us. It’s in our nature.
1: Catch Louise.
1: Do something.
1: Lift Louise up.
1: Why way is the doctors?
1: Go go go.
Walk right to the Doctor’s Office.
1: Call out.
1: Lift her up.
2: Lift.
1: Get out of his hair.
(Dude Ranch Nurse)
1: You need to sit down.
1: No.
1: Who knows.
2: Sure.
1: Look to the east.
1: Look to the west.
2: Time to go.
Walk down to the Gallows (in the same town).
1: It’s a warning.
1: Go onto the platform.
1: What?
1: Sure.
(Hang Wire)
2: Yeah, this is ridiculous.
1: Apologise.
1: Time to leave this place.
Walk up and right to Lady Green’s (to the right from Doctor’s Office.).
2: Leave him be. He’ll be fine.
1: Oh sh*t. Good point.
1: Go inside.
1: You can’t turn down that offer.
2: A bath would be nice.
1: Bargain.
1: Tough security.
1: Nope, no way. She is not getting my camera.
1: That actually isn’t so bad.
(How to Rent a Room)
Thanks to Easy Target for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.