For SUPER PEOPLE players, this guide will show you the crafting cheat sheet for all AR .556 weapons
Haven’t mesmerized all the crafting trees yet? Are you wasting precious seconds pulling up the trees while in game? Are you wasting space in your inventory?
Throw this cheat sheet up on another screen along with the armor cheat sheet until you remember what crafting materials you and your friends need. This may help if you have yet to find your weapon of choice and the game is not searching for the materials that you need.
Can make other cheat sheets if the community would like some for the smgs, snipers ect along with adding the armor onto each sheet.
AR 556 guide
That’s all we are sharing today in SUPER PEOPLE Crafting Cheat Sheet for all AR .556 Weapons, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author philb19464