Pathway is by no means an amazing game, but it’s also not actually a bad game. It’s an adequate game with really cool style. Exactly like the kind of fiction the game tries to emulate, I guess. But some things are badly explained at the start of the game, so these are some very basic…
Category: Guide

Wushu Chronicles: School and Sect Guide
Hello, This is some of the School and Sect that I manage to join over past few weeks that I played. I will try and explain each of the classes you can join at the start. I add more school and sect in the future once I join them. Shaolin This Shaolin, you can…

Wushu Chronicles: Ultimate Guide for Newbie
Grinding for Money, Skill Mastery and Talent Skill —- Fighting Arena/Stage One of the Town after you exit from the Starter Village, go to the Right side Town. Find the Martial Art Fighting Stage, just keep on spam and grind for exp and money (slow progress but who care, it a single player game, you…

One Finger Death Punch 2: Keyboard Controls
The keyboard controls are the following and are listed in-game under controls: Left Arrow – Right Arrow (Up Arrow swaps in co-op) or Comma – Period (L swaps in co-op) or Q – E (W swaps in co-op) or Spacebar – Right Shift (Right CTRL swaps in co-op) – or + (on the number pad)…

One Finger Death Punch 2: Secrets and Easter Eggs
A list of hidden mini-games and secret areas for One Finger Death Punch 2. More Menu Easter Eggs The Computer From the Title Screen go to “More” Once there, enter the following code on your keyboard: Up Right Down Left A computer panel with two buttons will appear. Pressing the red button will double…

One Finger Death Punch 2: SoundTrack Lists
Here is the music track list for OFDP2 for those who asked for it. Music “Chinese Dance Machine 4” by Jesse Valentine (F-777) “Chinese Dance Machine 2 (2007)” by Jesse Valentine (F-777) “Shaolin Warrior Remix” by Jesse Valentine (F-777) “Firecrackers Remix” by Jesse Valentine (F-777) “Dance of The GuZheng” by Jesse Valentine (F-777) “Freeze! Don’t…

Anno 1800: City and Production Optimized Layout Guide
From the guy that prought you optimized layouts for Anno 1404: Are you sick of not knowing how to place your buildings, having your population riot due to a lack of access to their much desired locations? Are you distrought at the sight of your productions, that are just laying about all over the place,…

[Fixed]Anno 1800: Stuttering and Bad FPS Bug
The Steam version of this game is currently heavily bugged, resulting in huge performance losses. There is a simple workaround for this though: Put Steam in OFFLINE MODE. (Top left, click Steam -> Go Offline…) Then Start Anno 1800 normally through Steam. It will run just as smooth as the Uplay beta did, and give…

Pawn: 100% Achievement Guide
A guide on how to get All the achievements. Automatic achievements Back home : Clear the prologue Substitute Teacher : Clear the first chapter Reunion : Clear the second chapter Date at the Aquarium : Clear the third chapter A day at the beach : Clear the fourth chapter Guillotine : Clear the fifth…

Pawn: Walkthrough and Chapter 1-7
Notes ✧ Open menu and click on SKIP/SAUTER to start skipping. This has to be done after each choice as skip automatically stops at them. ✧ Steam overlay is disabled in this game, check your achievement progress in client or browser. Prologue ❖ Start a new game ✧ No choices to be made during this chapter. Back…

[Fixed]Soulworker: Fullscreen Bug
Fullscreen Fix Right click the game -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse Local files. Find “General.ini” and open it with notepad or any text editor. Then Change from: [Screen] WIDTH=1440 HEIGHT=900 SCREENMODE=0 To: [Screen] WIDTH=1920 HEIGHT=1080 SCREENMODE=1 Then save the file and you can play the game in Fullscreen. Written by ray

Satellite: All Endings Guide
There aren’t many choices to reach each any of the endings, and not all of the choices are required to reach a specific ending. For example saying goodbye to Hitry or Tryber results in Ending 1, saying goodbye to Tasha continues to one of the other endings. Getting all four endings does not lead through…