A list of chapters in Froguelike, what items they contain and what completing each chapter unlocks. SPOILER AlERT!!!
Repeatable Chapters
This chapter has a lot of Froins scattered around on the ground. It also features Bounty enemies that drop large amounts of froins.
Compass reveals: Goop x2, Fancy hat
This chapter has a lot of health drops scattered around on the ground.
Compass reveals: Lingonberry, Plaster x2
This chapter has instant level-up drops scattered around on the ground. It starts without any enemies.
Compass reveals: Goop, Mighty, Poison Frog Friend: Mr. Pad
Compass reveals: Sun hat, Toad Friend: Toady
Compass reveals: Regular Tongue, Frog Friend: Froggo
Compass reveals: Rapid, Freeze Frog Friend: Froggy
Compass reveals: Moss x2, Poison Frog Friend: Qubit
Unlocks: “Wealth”
Story Quests
Only appears as chapter 5 while playing as Ghost.
Compass reveals: Ghost Friends: A friendly ghost x3
Unlocks: “Am I not alone?”
Compass reveals: Ghost Friends: Croakulus, Ribbitara, Blinkleap, Frobbins, Croakula, Toady
Compass reveals: Ghost Friends: Shade, Frosto, Quill, Zeph, Georg, Ash
Compass reveals: Ghost Friends: Sylv, Ember, Whisper, Frobo, Lickty, Slurpy
Compass reveals: Ghost Friends: Hopps, Quivy, Ghas, Lulu, Carole, Billie
Compass reveals: Ghost Friends: Ribo, Mysty, Frosk, Nubi, Mrs. Gogly, Mr. Gogly, Jennifly, Tad-Paul
Only appears as chapter 5 while playing as Ribbit and you have no companions.
Unlocks: “The Unwanted Frog”.
Compass reveals: Moss x2, Poison Tongue
Compass reveals: Moss, Poison Tongue
Compass reveals: Moss, Poison Tongue
Compass reveals: Moss, Goop
Compass reveals: Poison Tongue x2
Compass reveals: Poison Tongue, A fancy hat
Only appears as chapter 5 while playing as Stanley and you have at least 2 friends.
Compass reveals: Cat Tongue, A nice hat, Berenice, James, Caroline, Elsa
Unlocks: “Stanley the cat”
Compass reveals: Frohanna
Compass reveals: Todd, Bub
Compass reveals: Croako, Toady, Francis, Ribbity, Carol, Guliver, Mlem
Compass reveals: Raypond, Crostradamus, Jumpy Legs, Hopper, Skedaddle, Hippity Hoppity, Jason Funderberker, Key
Compass reveals: Frogette, Tadpolina, Pondella, Swampy Sue, Lady Leap, Leapington, Water Lily, Ripples
Item Quests
After completing this chapter you pick whether to go west or east. If you pick the correct direction you’re guaranteed to find the Abacus, but if you pick the wrong direction you’ll instead find the Figurine.
Compass reveals: Lengthy
Compass reveals: Sun hat
You’re guaranteed to find the Figurine nearby.
Compass reveals: Goop
You’re guaranteed to find the Abacus nearby.
Compass reveals: Lingonberry, Plaster
Compass reveals: Plaster
You’re guaranteed to find the Grail nearby.
Compass reveals: Goop x2
Compass reveals: Mr. Jumpylegs
You’re guaranteed to find Spices nearby.
Enemy Quests
Compass reveals: Goop, Rotatongue
Compass reveals: Rapid
Compass reveals: Sun hat
Unlocks: “Worthy frogs only”
Compass reveals: Sun hat, Frozen Frog Friend: Ribbity
Compass reveals: Rapid
Compass reveals: Tireless
Compass reveals: Rotatongue x3
Compass reveals: Tireless
Compass reveals: Rapid
Compass reveals: Rapid, Lily pad
Unlocks: “Graceful flutters”
Compass reveals: Mighty
Unlocks: “Wasp Retribution”
Compass reveals: Quick Tongue
Compass reveals: Rapid
Compass reveals: Quick Tongue
Unlocks: “A buzzy day”
Compass reveals: Lengthy, Toadalina
Compass reveals: Lengthy, Bubblo
Compass reveals: Lengthy
Compass reveals: Freezing Tongue x2, Lengthy
Thanks to Dae for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.