If you are playing ELDEN RING and you are looking for Sacred Tear, this guide will show you where are all those 12 Sacred Tear in map Limgrave 4 Sacred Tears can be found in Limgrave. Liurnia 3 Sacred Tears can be found in Liurnia. Caelid 1 Sacred Tear can be found in Caelid. Atlus…

ELDEN RING Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing Locations Guide
For ELDEN RING players, this is a guide detailing the areas of which you can find the individual bell bearings for Somber Smithing Stones. Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [1] Map Location (Caelid) Details Boss must be defeated. Accessible via a warp chest at the Dragon-Burnt Ruins OR via the Scarlet Rot Lake in Caelid. Unlocks…

ELDEN RING Best Mushroom Farming Location Guide
For ELDEN RING players, this guide will show you show you where to most effectively farm for mushrooms, which is a ressource needed for many crafting recipes. Follow the steps by number Follow the steps of the guide by the numbers in the images… That’s all we are sharing today in ELDEN RING Best Mushroom…

ELDEN RING Recommanded Progress Route Guide
For ELDEN RING players who are confused about how to progress the game in the right order, this guide will show you a recommanded progress route Map map 4k – https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elden-Ring/game_progress_route_map_elden_ring_wiki_guide_3840px.jpg That’s all we are sharing today in ELDEN RING Recommanded Progress Route Guide, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave…

ELDEN RING How to Buy Infinite Smithing Stones (1 to 8)
If you want more Smithing Stones to upgrade your weapons in ELDEN RING, this guide will explain how to get the ability to buy infinite Smithing Stones How to get +1 and +2 If you’ve visited the hub, you’ve likely seen the twin husks merchant off to the side, who also gives you the option…

ELDEN RING How To Fix Rubber Banding Lag
For ELDEN RING players, if you have encountered Rubber Banding Lag, this the no cap straight forward guide to remove that rubber. Let’s check it out. Lag Is ANNOYING So Lets Fix It Rubber banding is a term that’s used to refer to a player’s random or sporadic jerky movement during a multiplayer game if they’re…

ELDEN RING Stat Breakpoints Soft Caps Guide
For ELDEN RING players, this guide will analyze each added stat point and its benefits to find where the diminishing returns give you the best value for your levels Breakpoints The hard cap for everything is 99 btw Additionaly, Weapon+NUMBER does not actually change the scaling in anything I’ve tested so far. It only applies…

ELDEN RING Mimic Tear Ashes Location Guide
For ELDEN RING players, this guide will show you how to get the Mimic Tear Ashes, which is possibly the strongest summon of the game. Let’s check it out. Introduction The Mimic Tear Ashes is probably 1 of the strongest summons in the game. What makes it so good is that after being summoned, it…

ELDEN RING Interactive Map Guide
There are so many things in ELDEN RING, and this guide will provide you an interactive map, so you can check out what you’ve missed, let’s check it out. Fextralife is a community driven, open-source videogame blog and wikia. They’re currently updating the most detailed version of an interactive map for Elden…

ELDEN RING Efficient Rune Farm Location Guide
If you want to farm some rune in ELDEN RING, this guide will show you a quick and efficient spot for rune harvesting, let’s check it out. Locating the Portal First go to this spot behind the Third Church of Marika and activate the Portal. Travel to the Tower Travel to this…

ELDEN RING Lichdragon Fortissax Guide for Melee
For ELDEN RING melee players, this is a guide for Lichdragon Fortissax for melee and solo ( without summon ashes ) Introduction Lichdragon has fairly low hp compare to his output attack dps. Therefore find his proper dps time is key point and you have to keep move your position depending on the situation. Lightning…

ELDEN RING How to find Magic Moon Katana
If you are looking for the Magic Moon Katana Moonveil in ELDEN RING, this guide will show you how to find it, let’s check it out. How to find Magic Moon Katana You can get Katana for killing the boss inside the mine, location on the screenshoot. It deals pretty good magic…