A guide showing how to get the achievements for Marathon Durandal.
Quick, easy, and no “how to jump/walk/shoot” beeswax!
Chips, Oh Delicious Chips
Impossible to miss. These are found in the first level.
S’pht Talk
The terminal is located in the 5th level “Come and take your medicine” in the northern area.
Vid Buoy
This is in the 6th level. Skip the weapon and proceed with the level until you get the achievement.
Shell Game
This is in the 6th level. Find the room that is close to the 2x health charger.
Shoot the switch that is submerged into the water.
Make sure not to hit the sides of the switch or else the room will be inaccessible.
Head to the northwest side of the level where the fusion pistol was located at.
Navigate through the long hall until you end up in the room with the switches.
Run to the other platform and turn on either switch to raise it into the room with the shotgun shells.
The Citadel
Impossible to miss. Complete level 11. (I believe its level 11! possibly level 12)
Surf’s Up
This is in the 14th level, and it’s a little tricky.
When you enter the area with the first airlock, head back with the enemies.
The easiest way of getting up to those higher platforms is to get the bob to explode at you.
Once you get up there, there will be an area with stairs leading to the SPNKR room.
Reach the SPNKR.
This is in the 17th level “Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!”
Impossible to miss. Beat the level.
Sleeping Beauty
Impossible to miss. Enter the last chapter.
Keep the Oath
This is in the 28th level, the last level.
Impossible to miss.
Mjolnir Recon #54
Total Mjolnir Recon #54
Mutual Incurrent Destruction Assurance
A “Mother of all Hunters” is a bigger version of the normal hunter.
Hold the alt fire button on the fusion pistol until it explodes.
Try to be against the Mother of all Hunters during the last few beeps, It will beep 45 times.