For Another Farm Roguelike players, this is a basic guide for all difficulties, with tips in this articke, you’ll have a better experience
Day 2: Pick perk, make copper pickaxe, make more forges, put in 4 iron 5 gold.
Day 3: make Iron then Gold Pickaxe. Make more forges. put in 3 copper, 4 iron, 5 gold
Day 4: Make Copper then iron then gold Axe. harvest more ores to make gold Hammer. If day 5 Boon is not meteor shower, harvest map of bushes then trees, sell fruit if high value.
Day 5: If meteor shower, harvest diamonds, make diamond bars. Make gold hammer, harvest ores for gold hoe & gold shovel. Clear out area for farm plot (15 wide, 7 tall) make farm plot (2 scarecrows with a sprinkler in the middle). Sell fruit if high value, make beehives.
Day 6: Make gold hoe & shovel, harvest for gold watering can and fishing pole. With diamond bars (if available) make diamond Shovel, watering can, axe, hammer and fishing pole, hoe and pickaxe optional. Plant plot area 1 with what ever seeds you have, clear out farm plot area 2, Sell fruit and honey for rent, make seed makers, more beehives.
Day 7: Pay rent, make plot area 2, plant in plot area 2, make seed makers, make beehives, clear out map expand farm plot areas.
Day xxxxxxx: clear out map expand farm plot areas. have as many seed makers/beehives as you can. if map is clear use extra energy to fish.
The basics
Esc for menu
Holding Shift while holding a stack of items will let you split the stack. There currently is no way to merge the stacks back.
Ctrl click will sell the entire stack of items
left mouse button will buy a single
right mouse button will buy the entire stack
Tab will cycle though the different levels
Menu has several tabs, Inventory (top line is the hot bar), Shop, Crafting,
To plant seeds you need to do the following
-use the Hoe to clear away the grass (grass will re-spawn in 1-4 days if not dug)
– Dig a hole using the shovel
– obtain seed (buy it from the shop or gain one from a crop/tree via seed makers, seed totems, or perks)
– select the seed in the inventory bar (tab though or esc and move it)
– mouse over the hole and right click
– Watering the seed will cause it to grow by 1 day when you end the day.
All buildings need to be built with the hammer after placement. The number of hits is shown in the building menu on the building in the top right.
Several buildings have multiple uses
-forges: refine ore, cook flower/eggs/chocolate/fish, make glass (used to make Jars/bottle)
-keg: makes juice and only juice (need orange/apple/berry and Jar)
-preserves Keg: makes pickles (need bottle)
– Mines: has three settings, Rock (spawns rocks and coal), Ore (spawns copper, iron, gold nodes), and Gems (spawns gem nodes)
-Quarry: used to make polished stones AND polished gems
Shop break down:
The shop starts with 8 slots and will have a random amount (1-15) of random types seeds (excluding flowers)
There are 6 slot upgrades and 5 unlocks.
Each shop upgrades adds 4 slots and rerolls the shop with an increasing cost to unlock more slots. typically the 5th and 6th unlocks are wastes of money as the unlock costs end up resulting in more rerolls to get what you want.
The unlocks are
Animals (12k): this will add in Pigs, cows, chickens, and sheep for purchase each costing $200
Coal (5k) : This adds coal to the shop which costs between $4-$10 per. Unless you have no stone this Isn’t very worthwhile.
Ores (10k) : This adds Copper, Iron and Gold to the shop at twice the sell value range. Unless you have no stone this Isn’t very worthwhile.
Flower seeds (5k) : Adds the various flower seeds to the shop. Worthwhile if you are doing a beehive build, or have the sunflower 2.5x perk.
Raw Gems (10k) : This adds raw gems to the shop. once again, unless you have no stone this Isn’t very worthwhile.
(More to come)
General play though
So typically I make a golden pickaxe first because you need to mine for ores and the pickaxe give more ore/energy. Then i do axe and hammer. that is day 1 thru 3. day 4 i axe down bushes and trees and balance out making beehives. this makes the income for the first week.
Week 1 : generally clearing, setting up for a farm area (2-3 sprinklers) getting golden pickaxe, axe, hammer, shovel, fishing pole, hoe, watering can (that order)
Once i have a farm area set up I will plant based off the perk I picked on day 2 and generally just getting seeds in the ground (my set up needs 102 seeds per sprinkler). I will also start to build seed makers as these things are pure money making machines. (1 crop to 8 seeds). I keep the furnaces going with what i can (no glass thou)
Week 2 : day 1 i continue with my week 1 route with setup and on day 2 i pick a perk based off my own ranking order (crop growing -1 > crop yeild +1 > crop sell value (parsnip or potato ideally) > tool use -1 energy > base energy > all else and start to build out towards this perk. I continue to build beehives and seed makers here as my end goal is 3-5 ‘plots’ depending upon difficulty and i want seed makers to at least keep up with the planting demands (shop be dammed). Extra energy goes into clearing, more furnace work, beehives, and seed makers.
Week 3 : this is why i start to build a bank of money typically as my setup is done. Perk is picked and this is mostly the same as week 2. on easy I will typically stop making beehives here as 15 wood at 20 coin a piece doesn’t pay back with the honey gained. Furnaces will typically stop here unless i picked up the 2.5x ore & bar value perk
Week 4 – end : Normally i have everything cleared during week 4 and will build the last of the beehives if on normal/hard mode. Extra energy now goes into fishing. week 4 to the end is just me collecting crops/honey/seeds/animal products, replanting, Fishing and grass collection.
Easy Play Though
Go fishermen class and just fish. Upgrade the fishing pole to Gold or diamond if you get diamond
Medium Play Though
Go fishermen class and just fish. Restart until you see a day bonus of Meteor Swarm. Upgrade the fishing pole Diamond and fish in 4×4 spots.
There are 18 classes, each offering different bonuses and different play styles. Here is a listing of each of them with a break down of the playstyle and my rankings (under revaluation)
Baker: furnaces give 2x bread
-Middle to High power level class (I rank 5th). Requires a bit of set up but getting 2x bread is fairly nice. With the 1.5x bread sell value perk should be an easy win on all difficulties.
Beekeeper: bee-houses give +1 honey and +1 range
-Middle to High power level class (I rank 6th). Extra range and extra honey has a very high power level. Would be higher but getting the 5k to unlock flowers is slightly annoying.
Builder: Starts with Golden Hammer
-Middle power level class (I rank 10th). Golden hammer is nice, but there isn’t really a good building build that another class doesn’t do better.
Cook: 50% to make another dish when cooking
-Middle power level class (I rank 8th). Despite being on the lower 50% of class rankings Still a very powerful class bonus. Extra cooked items is very nice due to the sell value and utility of some of them (beetroot soup I’m looking at you). Only gets demerits due to set up needed and the result of the setup.
Dog: +10% for crafts to make Meat or hide
-power level under revaluation but seems rather powerful being able to turn sand into meat sandwiches and clothing
Farmer: 10% that crops give +1 resource. 50% chance for a seed.
-Middle power level class (I rank 9th). Extra crops are nice, but doesn’t do a whole lot. Extra seeds are nice, but only a real boon in the very early game.
Fisherman: Starts with an Iron fishing rod.
-Highest power level class (I rank 1st). Fishing rod gives you easy access to instant money that is very steady. Add in the perks for fishing and it can beat hard mode with only 1 furnace ever built.
Goldsmith: 50% to make an extra Jewelry item
-Low power level class (I rank 10th). Like the Cook, but Jewelry doesn’t have as much utility, or sell value as cooking (really, a ring sells for less than soup!)
Lumberjack: Starts with Iron Axe. Trees & trunks have 1 less hp
-High power level class (I rank 3rd). With the sheer amount of trees on the map the energy saved and starting position that this class gives makes the early game and starting set up/clearing incredibly easy.
Merchant: Starts with $1000, 12 shop slots unlocked, and +16 inventory size.
-Low power level class (I rank 11th). At a glance it seems like this a very powerful class, but you are only getting ~15k value from this pick which can be made up very quickly in other classes. It is a good start, but there are better out there.
Miner: Starts with Iron Pick-axe. Rocks & Ores have 1 less hp
-High power level class (I rank 2nd). Rock hp -1 and an iron pick-axe start means you can make 4 furnaces AND stock them all on day 1. This makes it so you can upgrade most tools to gold/diamond in a single day saving you a large amount of hassle and energy. Getting the Ores & Bars 2.5x perk can make a hard run feel like an easy run.
Shepherd: Animals start unlocked. Fence posts add 1 more max animal per.
-High power level class (I rank 7th). Day 1 animals. Add in a day 2 perk of animals need no food and this class scales at ridiculous levels. I should really rate it higher but the reliance on a perk to not be a tedious class bring down the ranking. Restarting is an option though.
Smith: A random Tool is upgraded every 2 days.
-Middle power level class (I rank 12th). This sounds like a good perk at the start, but given optimal play and RNG you end up saving 3 copper and 32 diamond bars. Which is ~$10k value. Tool upgrades are something that you should be doing ASAP as they are the fastest scaling you have in the game. Taking into consideration bonus day manipulation, you can get all diamond tools in the first week, making this class almost worthless.
Wizard: 50% chance to make another Potion. Alchemy pots give 1 more item (3 total)
-Low Middle power level class (I rank 13th). Potions got a rework and under revaluation but they seem to take a decent amount of work for not much payoff still. They take too much time and effort for not a very good payoff. The alchemy pots giving 1 more item (3 total) is rather nice since that is another ~$20 per pot per day and the totems are VERY good.
Cat: Crafts have a 35% for a random fish.
-Seems middle power level class. Like the dog you can turn sand into glass into bottles and gain a fish from every 3rd one. This makes a $3-$30 gain per craft. Not a bad gain but not sold on how useful this is outside a craft heavy build.
Santa Claus: Get 2 random Items every day.
– Seems High middle power level. 2 free random items every day is VERY RNG.
Dandy: 15% for extra cloth crafting.
– low power level. Should be called a Tailor or Weaver depending on how the class works. This class needs animals for it’s bonus to work, and the Shepherd class says how i feel about that.
Shaman: Starts with 7 of each Alchemy item.
– High Mid power level. Easy access to 7 alchemy pots. If that isn’t enough then add in energy totems, seed totems, King totems, and property totems. This makes it VERY easy to get to a massive amount energy, which makes the game VERY easy. Possibly the only class i would take the all diamond tools for a lower max energy in week 1 with.
(Thanks to Galandil in discord for most of this)
Selling Values Upgrades
Wealth Of Wealth Ores and Bars value x2.5
Triple Upgrade 1 Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot value x2
Triple Upgrade 2 Cauliflower, Kale, Parsnip value x2
Triple Upgrade 3 Potato, Pumpkin, Radish value x2
Sunrise Sunflower value x3
Wheat Heart Wheat, Flour, Bread value x1.5
Fruit Expert Juices value x2
Fisheries Expert Fishes value x1.5
Honey Lover Honey value x2
Farming Upgrades
Steroids Crops take 1 less day to fully grow
Rich Harvest All crops give 1 more resource
Animal Upgrades
Animal Whisperer 1 All animals give twice as much resources.
Animal Whisperer 2 All animals no longer need food. Animal products value x0.5
Fishing Upgrades
Sneaky Fishing Each time you catch a fish, you throw another rod (it has a 50% chance less)
Sardine Lover Each time you catch a fish you get an extra sardine
Fishing upgrade 2 +25% chance to catch a fish
Other Production Upgrades
Gathering Freak Trees, Bushes, Rocks, Ores give 1 more resource
Honey Expert Beehouses have 50% to produce 1 extra honey
Good Trade You will get 1 random golden tool
Blacksmith Furnaces have 50% to give coal back
Energy Upgrades
Performance The cost of using tools is reduced by 1 (not less than 1)
Muscle Head Maximum energy increases by 75
Light Hammer Hammer use restores 1 energy
Other Upgrades
Roll Expert Reduces the cost of the roll by 50% and gives 1 additional upgrades roll
Connections Rent Value – 15%
Free Money Gives 10k$
Perk discussion
In my mind the Best perks are as follows
Performance – more tool usage = faster and more farm development/buildings effectively increases your energy by 50-100% depending on tool level.
Steroids – faster crops = faster money
Rich Harvest – More crops = more money
Triple Upgrade 2 or 3 – Potatoes/kale/ cauliflower are the best cash crops in the game with out further refinement. these are made even more silly with Steroids / Rich Harvest /Animal Whisperer 2
Sunrise – sunflowers are almost as good as Potatoes/kale/cauliflower.
Animal Whisperer 2 – nearly free production of money? Yes please! do note that each animal takes ~10 days to pay itself off. And Poop!
Muscle Head – more energy = more stuff to do, just not as impacting as the above
Connections – smaller payments results in an easier game.
in short, if you can get Triple Upgrade 2 or 3 Steroids or Rich Harvest the game is basically done. Performance drastically speeds up the farm development.
Sunrise makes sunflowers more valuable and beehives shorten grow time. Higher set up, but easy money.
Animal Whisperer 2 lets you get animals with out worry for feeding them. Still gotta unlock them though.
I have been playing for a while, and this is my good early start
1.) make the seed makers immediately
a.) later you will make mines so don’t worry about the gold deposits being limited
2.) turn the fruit into seeds to sell (even the coco)
3.) 4 fruits in a seeder makes you $480
4.) this frees up your first few weeks for upgrading tools, clearing land, and building
5.) buy 6-12 seeds from the store of your desired crop
a.) try to pick a crop that either has a price upgrade or is in a recipe
6.) place a scarecrow where his range is in the corner perfectly fitting on the grid
7.) plant the seeds and water them
A.) with your extra energy try to get to gold and place 2-3 mines for coal and ore
a.) if your furnaces get full use your remaining energy on clearing fields equal to the
number of days your desired crop takes to grow
8.) once they grow seed only 6 of them not all of them
9.) plant the 48 seeds you should get in the first scarecrows range
HINT: keep seeding the fruit from the trees until your fam is stable
10.) let those grow and then after that harvest seed 6 crops every single day and now you should
get crops every day
A.) this is not better nor worse than mass farming and harvesting but if
harvest day is on a meteor or treasure day your energy gets depleted before you can
shovel and water this is possibly less money, but you are left with energy every day.
11.) once you get gold or run out of room leave space for mines and furnaces and even a little side hustle
I need to use sprinklers more before I say they are bad but, for me they seem like a waste of
time, space, and resources.
My side hustles with extra energy:
I tend to use fish traps for daily fish and pickle them that can get you a large amount of money without using any energy that I didn’t already use
making jewelry with your extra ores is just profit don’t worry about gemstones
BLACK MARKET I slept on the black market for soooo long. check every day to see if there’s something for you and you can lock it if it’s too expensive spend your money wisely check your daily income and your rent payment
crop palooza or whatever it is basically check the weeks event one of them gives you $100 for every fully grown crop if you have a decent farm just start planting and seeding every crop in your inventory ONLY harvest if you need seed even then try only doing a few. I had my first 48 planted and those alone made 33,600 that week and the rest of my plant grew every day, so it was additive Aswell. I started clear cutting and planting things that took 2-3 days to grow based on if you have steroids. I ended up with like $90,000
I nerded out on this game but sometimes don’t go for meta gaming try new things discover your play style. I try to be nerdy in this game but don’t stress over perks and look up stuff I ended up here because I could have sworn, I saw a plain tree turn into an apple tree.
my favorite build is fruit trees with the black-market perk falling fruit making tree drop 2 fruits every time I see it I seriously consider pivoting if its rather mid game and you haven’t cleared the map yet.